Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Saturated VS Unsaturated Fats

Your body is in need of fats. They use fats as a source of energy. It needs fat to perform functions in your body that need to happen in order for you to survive. Fat helps absorb vitamins and nutrients. There are both bad fats and good fats. Bad fats or Saturated Fats, can increase your chance of getting heart disease. Good fats or Polyunsaturated Fats, help lower LDL, help with irregular heart beat, and prevent hear disease.
Saturated Fats are very bad for you. There are 24 different types of Saturated Fats. A lot of Saturated Fats are found in dairy. For example butter and milk. Dairy products increase LDL levels the most. In beef there is a lot of Saturated Fat. Vegetable Oil and Coconut Oil both contain Saturated Fats.
Polyunsaturated Fats are good for you. Unsaturated Fats are necessary for normal body functions. Your body gets them from your food, like vegetables and fish. They help build cell membranes, exterior casing of cells, and sheaths surrounding cells. Unsaturated Fats are vital for blood-clotting, muscle contraction, inflammation, and relaxation. Saturated Fats can also help improve cholesterol.
Today, many Americans eat too much Saturated Fats. It is a major heath issue and stores sell a lot of saturated fats because people eat it. Personally, when I was doing my research it grossed me out. You don't want to have all this gross fat building up on your heart. I think that people should start cutting down on how much saturated fat they eat and start eating polyunsaturated fats.

"The Truth about Fats: Bad and Good." The Truth about Fats: Bad and Good. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Insulin Pills Instead of Injections?

Many people around the world have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is when your body doesn't produce enough insulin . Type 1 is when your body stops producing it because of Auto- Immune Disorder. Type 2 can be cause by obesity, your body doesn't use the insulin properly anymore. Insulin's purpose is to deliver glucose from blood to cells. It unlocks cells, and allows sugar to be taken up from blood causing a hormonal shape change. Unfortunately, scientist are unsure what the shape looks like. If they can figure out what it looks like they could create a new, less complex form of insulin not using proteins. They could create a pill instead of a shot or injection that goes straight into your blood stream. It would also be non- perishable. If scientist can understand the chemical bonds it will help in finding out what the shape looks like!
The Scientist have figured out a way to strengthen the chemical bonds in insulin, even at warm temperatures. Before, if insulin was above 40 degrees Fahrenheit, it would become inactive. It was kept cold because of the weak chemical bonding. They figured out how to make it stronger by using chemical reactions, the unstable bonds are now carbon based.
The pill would be so helpful in diabetes management. It would also be great because pills are more beneficial, convenient and less painful then pumps or injections. Everyday more and more people are being diagnosed with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. It would be so great if they could figure out how to make it into a pill!

Thanks for information and picture;)

Citation added:
"Strengthening the Chemical Structure of Insulin Can Lead to Future Non-Perishable Insulin Pills." Popular Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013.

Monday, January 28, 2013


Have you ever wondered about Astronaut Food??? This type of food has to do with Sublimation! Sublimation is when a solid goes straight to a gas without going through the liquid phase. Food happens when the temperature increase to be above 32 decrees F. The surround pressure must be below 0.06 atmosphere. When this happens the water inside liquid melts and it lacks the pressure to become a liquid becoming a gas!!!